Today, media art is often showcased at cultural facilities, educational institutions, and festivals around the world. It emerged from various forms of artistic expression created as pioneering experiments in combining art and technology from the 1970s. Artworks that depend on contemporary technologies have developed alongside the social phenomena of economic growth, technological innovation, and globalization. They not only inspire us to continue creating something new, but also enable us to develop a critical eye on society and try out new art forms.
This report serves as a record of the symposium "Art & Technology: Changing Times, Contemporary Trends, Future Platforms." The symposium presented how media art as a form of artistic expression had changed over time and what contemporary hands-on projects had been launched. Furthermore, the international guest speakers with different backgrounds examined the relationship between art and technology in different lights to suggest what a new platform for art and culture should be like to connect the present with the future, society with art, and individuals with the public.
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Preface: About the Symposium
[Session 1 | Lectures] Media Art: Historical Shifts in Japan and Hybridity of Asia
- The Transition of Art and Technology in Japan HATANAKA Minoru
- Shifting the Divide: Artistic Positions of Media Convergence and Cultural Diversity Yvonne Spielmann
[Session 2 | Presentations] Case Studies in the Interface between Socio-Technology and Art
- Rhizomatiks: 10 Years of Activity MANABE Daito
- Professional Amateurs Andreas Siagian
- The Art to Come (and Where It Came from) Jeffrey Shaw
[Session 3 | Discussion] Tokyo's Range of Possibilities as a Platform for Media Art ...Jeffrey Shaw x Andreas Siagian x Daito Manabe x Minoru Hatanaka | Kazunao Abe
- An Asian Positioning on Media Art FUJIHATA Masaki
Publisher: Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), The Japan Foundation Asia Center
Editors: Satoko Ishitoya, Kei Onodera, Kaoru Chiba (Arts Council Tokyo), Fumi Hirota (The Japan Foundation Asia Center)
Editing & Writing: Kenichi Abe
English Editing: Meiko Sano (The Japan Foundation Asia Center) (pp. 09–14, 33–35)
Translation: LinkTrans Simul, Inc. (pp. 01–08, 15–32, 36)
Translation Cooperation: Akinori Iwaya (pp. 09–14, 18–23, 25–32)
Proofreading: LinkTrans Simul, Inc.
Photo: Kenichi Aikawa
Design: Iuko Matsukawa
Symposium Outline
Title | International Symposium for Media Art "Art & Technology: Changing Times, Contemporary Trends, Future Platforms" |
Date | Saturday, July 9 2016 |
Panelists | Minoru Hatanaka (Chief Curator, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]) Yvonne Spielmann (New Media Researcher) Daito Manabe (Artist / Rhizomatiks) Andreas Siagian (Artist, Engineer / Lifepatch) Jeffrey Shaw (Artist / Director, Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media [ACIM], City University of Hong Kong) Kazunao Abe (Deputy Director, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]) |
Venue | NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] |
Organized by |
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), The Japan Foundation Asia Center |
Specially Supported by |
NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] |
Details | https://asiawa.jpf.go.jp/en/culture/events/art-and-technology-160709/ |