The Japan Foundation Asia Center is now calling for applications for “Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration,” “Grant Program for Enhancing People-to-People Exchange,” and “The Asia Center Fellowship Program.” Through interacting and working together, the Asia Center pursues to develop the sense of kinship and coexistence as neighboring inhabitants of Asia. Our Grant and Fellowship programs are offered for parties who plan to organize projects that match these goals. The application deadline is Thursday, December 1, 2016.
For more details, please visit the following URL.
Lists of Grant Awardees and Fellows have also been released.
Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration
List of grant awardees [FY2016 2nd Round]
Grant Program for Enhancing People-to-People Exchange
List of grant awardees [FY2016 2nd Round]
The Asia Center Fellowship Program
List of Fellows [FY2016 2nd Round]