Take a walk through time and space in Asia.
This website is a virtual space replicating collaborative activities by Japan and Southeast Asia's next generation of leaders for artistic exchange. Exploring modernity and art platforms in Asia, the website examines cultural, artistic, and historical relationships in Japan and Southeast Asia through seventy-seven keywords as well as texts, images, videos, music, and interviews.
In this online space, the scattered keywords are loosely linked together and arranged like artworks in an exhibition venue.
The website aims to be an archive that functions as a new form of expression in its own right.
Each keyword is something that captures, from the perspective of the present, the rich accumulation of knowledge gifted to us by our predecessors as a means of thinking about Asian history and culture.
We wander (jalan-jalan) among these, at times making discoveries, at times contemplating, and, before we know it, we further our understanding of the cultures in the region.
The moment has come for our departure. Let’s go for a walk around the time and space of Asia.

Learning Platform Art + Asia "Jalan-jalan di Asia: Walking Dictionary"
Mark Teh (Performance Maker / Researcher / Member of Five Arts Centre)
IDAKA Kumiko (Independent Curator)
HATTORI Hiroyuki (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Transdisciplinary Arts, Akita University of Art / Independent Curator)
CHE Kyongfa (Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo)
Director of Videography:
YAMASHIRO Daisuke (Lecturer, Department of Art Studies and Cultural Production, Kyoto University of the Arts / Artist)
Art Direction:
ISU Taeko
Sound Design:
Logo Motion Design:
Program Director:
FURUICHI Yasuko (The Japan Foundation Asia Center)
Produced by
The Japan Foundation Asia Center