The Japan Foundation Asia Center: Art Studies is a three-volume publication which compiles presentations papers and discussions from the seminar held at the Japan Foundation in 2014, a symposium held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo in 2015, and also re-publications of articles from past symposium reports from the 1990s.
Unavailable for sale, they can be viewed at the Japan Foundation's library.
The Japan Foundation Asia Center: Art Studies 1
Cultural Rebellion in Asia 1960-1989

The first volume, International Seminar 2014: Cultural Rebellion in Asia 1960-1989 compiles the presentation papers and discussions that took place during the Cultural Rebellion in Asia 1960-1989 seminar held at the Japan Foundation Headquarters from September 30 to October 2, 2014.
This seminar was organized by the Asia Center as the first step in preparations for the exhibition co-organized with the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, National Gallery Singapore, and the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo for 2018. A total of eleven panelists from Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam discussed the manifold problems surrounding the art movements of Southeast and East Asia during the 1960s to 1980s.
- Panelists: Adele Tan, Hayashi Michio, Lai Ying-Ying, Nguyen Trinh Thi, Patrick D. Flores, Park Hyesung, Pi Li, Prapon Kumjim, Seng Yu Jin, Simon Soon, Suzuki Katsuo
- Editor: Furuichi Yasuko
- Publisher: The Japan Foundation Asia Center
- Date: March 20, 2015
The Japan Foundation Asia Center: Art Studies 2
THE 1990s: The Making of Art with Contemporaries

The second volume, THE 1990s: The Making of Art with Contemporaries compiles presentation papers and the discussion segment of The 1990s: The Making of Art with Contemporaries symposium held in conjunction with the Time of others exhibition which toured the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, the National Museum of Art, Osaka, the Singapore Art Museum, and the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art from 2015 to 2016.
The symposium invited curators, scholars, and cultural administrators from the Southeast Asian and Asia-Pacific regions who led the art scene during the 1990s to revisit the trends and movements of artistic exchange between the regions.
- Panelists: Ade Darmawan, Ahmad Mashadi, Alison Carroll, Dinh Q. Lê, Flaudette May Datuin, Gridthiya Gaweewong, Hoashi Aki, Joan Kee, Kamiya Yukie, Kishi Sayaka
- Editors: Furuichi Yasuko, Hoashi Aki
- Publisher: The Japan Foundation Asia Center
- Date: March 31, 2016
The Japan Foundation Asia Center: Art Studies 3
Anthology: Shaping the History of Art in Southeast Asia

The final volume, Shaping the History of Art in Southeast Asia, consists of re-publications of fifteen articles which were carefully selected as key texts in discussing the art of Southeast Asian from the 1990s to the present.
- Authors: Ahmad Mashadi, Apinan Poshyananda, Caroline Turner, David Teh, John Clark, Julie Ewington, Kajiya Kenji, Kuroda Raiji, Michelle Antoinette, Patrick D. Flores, Sakai Naoki, Shioda Junichi, Tatehata Akira, T.K. Sabapathy, Ushiroshoji Masahiro
- Guest Editors: Patrick D. Flores, Kajiya Kenji
- Editors: Furuichi Yasuko, Andrew Maerkle
- Publisher: The Japan Foundation Asia Center
Date: March 31, 2017