In 2018, the Japan Foundation Asia Center has created "The Japan Foundation Asian Art Archive" to introduce Asian art-related projects that the Japan Foundation has organized since 1990 onwards. Currently 18 art exhibition catalogues and reports of symposium of the last 30 years of art programs are available digitally online.
Although rest of the documents are still waiting to be uploaded, we are pleased to use this opportunity to share the information with researchers, curators, and anyone who is interested in Asian art.
The Japan Foundation Asian Art Archive
- Contemporary Art Symposium 1994 "The Potential of Asian Thought" (1994)
- Symposium "Asian Contemporary Art Reconsidered" (1997)
- International Symposium 1999 "Asian Art: Prospects for the Future" (I999)
- International Symposium 2002 "Asia in Transition: Representation and Identity" (2002)
- International Symposium 2005 "Cubism in Asia: Unbounded Dialogues" (2005)
- International Symposium 2008 "Count 10 Before You Say Asia: Asian Art After Postmodernism" (2008)
- Art Studies 01: International Seminar 2014 "Cultural Rebellion in Asia 1960-1989" (2014)
- Art Studies 02: International Symposium 2015 "THE 1990s: The Making of Art with Contemporaries" (2015)
- Art Studies 03: Anthology "Shaping the History of Art in Southeast Asia" (2017)
- Art Studies 04: "Condition Report: Shifting Perspectives in Asia" Curators' Book (2018)
- Art Studies 05: "Curators' Forum 2018: Imagining New Ecologies" (2018)
- New Generation in Contemporary Singaporean Art (1990)
- Edgar Talusan Fernandez: Contemporary Art of the Philippines (1991)
- Contemporary Thai Artists: Montien Boonma: the Pagoda & Cosmos Drawn with Earth (1991)
- Facing the Infinite Space: Contemporary Paintings from Singapore and Japan (1993)
- Fang Lijun: Human Images in an Uncertain Age (1996)
- Heri Dono: Dancing Demons and Drunken Deities (2000)
- Atul Dodiya—Bombay: Labyrinth/ Laboratory (2001)
- Lee Bul: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (2003)