The Japan Foundation Asia Center (hereafter the Asia Center) will hold the fifth edition of "...and Action! Asia: Exchange Program for Students in Film Studies" in March 2019 in Jakarta, in collaboration with the Jakarta Institute of the Arts. The Asia Center calls for entries for the program among students in film studies from Japan and Southeast Asian countries. We look forward to entries from many students.
About ...and Action! Asia
The Asia Center carries out ...and Action! Asia: Exchange Program for Students in Film Studies to encourage the deepening of mutual understanding and fostering a new generation of filmmakers in the Asian countries. The program welcomes students who are interested in achieving collaborative works in filmmaking and expanding their networks in the region, and using their experience for their studies and future careers. This fiscal year, the program includes short documentary co-productions, their screening, and also discussions and lectures by professionals in Indonesian film industry. We believe the collaborative works and networks built through this program will lead to sustainable partnerships in film industries among Asian countries.

2017 fiscal year
Short Films Jointly Made by Japanese and Southeast Asian Students Are Now Available Online
2016 fiscal year
Short Films Jointly made by Film Study Students from Asia in the Philippines are now available online!
Program Outline
Date | Friday, March 1st – Thursday, March 14th, 2019 *Subject to change. |
Venue | Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta Institute of the Arts |
Organizers | Organized by the Japan Foundation Asia Center Co-organized by Jakarta Institute of the Arts Supported by Japan Film School Association |
Contact Information | Attn. Ms. Izumi Kakeya and Ms. Amiko Takimoto Arts, Culture, and Exchange Section 1 The Japan Foundation Asia Center Tel: +81-3-5369-6140 | Fax: +81-3-5369-6141 Email: jfac_film@jpf.go.jp |
Application Guideline
Number of Positions
Students of filmmaking courses: Thirteen in total
Japan: 4 in total
ASEAN countries (except Indonesia): 9 in total (3 Students each from 3 Institutions)
Instructors of filmmaking courses: Four in total
Japan: 1 in total
ASEAN countries (except Indonesia): 3 in total (1 Instructor from 3 institution)
Formation of the Applying Team (ASEAN countries)
The team will consist of three students and one instructor.
Applications are limited to one team per institution.
Please see the Application Guildeline (PDF) for more information about the Program details and Requirements.
Application Documents
- Entry Application Form (Form A) for Student (Excel)
- Entry Application Form (Form A) for Instructor (Excel)
- Film Plot Form (Form B) (Word): Per Institution (written by a student representing the team)
Submission Deadline
November 14th (Wed), 2018
Selection of Applicants
Successful applicants will be informed by e-mail by mid-December, 2018.