Southeast Asia is rich in its diversity of ethnic, religious and cultural composition. The region has maintained the coexistence of such diversity while at the same time achieving economic progress and becoming a hub for the flow of people, goods, money and information. Yet at present, the region is also confronted with serious issues such as the decrease of biodiversity and tropical forests, disasters, pandemics, aging population, ethnic and religious conflicts, economic differentiation and poverty.
The Visual Documentary Project was set up in 2012 by Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University to make use of visual forms of expression and documentaries to complement academic literature on Southeast Asian societies, promote the richness of cultures in the region and build bridges between academia and documentary filmmakers. Since 2012, it has featured documentaries from and by Southeast Asian filmmakers on contemporary issues in the region, such as urban life, politics and everyday life, human flows, people and nature, and care and aging and urban life. Since 2014, the Japan Foundation Asian Center has been a partner in organizing this event.
This project in FY2017 , FY2018 and FY2019 is certified as beyond 2020 program.
The selected documentaries from 2012 to 2018 can be viewed online at the following URL.

For this year's VDP, we called for short documentaries made in Southeast Asia and Japan under the theme of "JUSTICE". This year, award-winning film director Ho Yuhang from Malaysia, and a doctor, screenwriter, and a director, Aung Ming from Myanmar have joined as jury members for the selection, and five successful works were selected carefully by the committee.
From 161 spectacular documentaries from across Southeast Asia, five were selected to be screened in Kyoto and Tokyo. The directors and crews of these works were invited to Japan for this occasion to join us for the talk discussion with the commentators. In addition, as a new attempt for this year, director Rithy Panh’s Special Mention was selected and announced at the screening.
Application submission period June 1 – August 31, 2019
Numbers of Submission 161
Screening Committee Members
Programming Director, "Asian Future" section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - Ho Yuhang
Director - Aung Ming
Doctor, Screenwriter, Director - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki
Associate Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Special Award Committee Member
Rithy Panh
Filmmaker, Co-founder of Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Selected Works
(1) Through Song, We Share Stories (Indonesia)
(2) An Unquiet Land (Vietnam)
(3) SCREAMING GOATS (Thailand)
(4) That Night (The Phillippines)
(5) Unsilent Potato (Myanmar)
Director Rithy Panh's Special Mention
Unsilent Potato (Myanmar)
Event Details
Official Website

In 2018, we called for short documentary films under the theme of "Popular Culture in Southeast Asia". For the fourth consecutive year from 2015, Cambodian director Rithy Panh participated as a screening committee member, and five successful works were selected carefully by the committee. The films were screened in Kyoto and Tokyo. Directors and their crew members were invited to Japan in accordance with the screening, and they conducted discussions with the commentators.
Theme Popular Culture in Southeast Asia
Application submission period June 1 – August 31, 2018
Numbers of Submission 117
Screening Committee Members
- Rithy Panh
Filmmaker, Co-founder of Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center - ISHIZAKA Kenji
Programming Director, "Asian Future" section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki
Associate Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Selected Works
(1) Cambodian Theater (Cambodia)
(2) RITO RITO (Vietnam)
(3) The Fighter (Indonesia)
(4) Cosplayer (Thailand)
(5) RAPTHAI (Thailand)
Event Details
Official Website

In 2017, we called for short documentary films under the theme of "Urban Life in Southeast Asia". For the third consecutive year from 2015, Cambodian director Rithy Panh participated as a screening committee member, and five successful works were selected carefully by the committee. The films were screened in Kyoto and Tokyo. Directors and their crew members were invited to Japan in accordance with the screening, and they conducted discussions with the commentators.
Theme Urban Life in Southeast Asia
Application submission period June 1 – September 1, 2017
Numbers of Submission 103
Screening Committee Members
- Rithy Panh
Filmmaker, Co-founder of Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center - ISHIZAKA Kenji
Programming Director, “Asian Future” section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - SHIMIZU Hiromu
Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki
Associate Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Selected Works
(1)White Egret(Malaysia)
(2)Nostalgia Senja(Reminiscences of the Dusk)(Indonesia)
(3)Don't Know Much About ABC(Cambodia)
(4)Yangon, the City Where We Live(Myanmar)
Event Details
Official Website

Theme Politics in Everyday Life in Southeast Asia
Application submission period June 1 – September 1, 2016
Numbers of Submission 75
Screening Committee Members
- Rithy Panh
Filmmaker, Co-founder of Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center - ISHIZAKA Kenji
Programming Director, "Asian Future" section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - SHIMIZU Hiromu
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Selected Works
(1)Women of the Forest(Malaysia)
(2)Mother & Son(Myanmar)
(3)60 Days(Myanmar)
Director Nutcha Tantivitayapitak's film "Mr. Zero"(Thailand) was selected for this year's Visual Documentary Project. However, due to unexpected circumstances, the screening of this film and talk discussion were cancelled.
Event Details
Official Website

Theme Human Flows –Movement in Southeast Asia-
Application submission period July 1 – December 20, 2015
Numbers of Submission 47
Screening Committee Members
- Rithy Panh
Filmmaker, Co-founder of Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center - ISHIZAKA Kenji
Programming Director, "Asian Future" section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - SHIMIZU Hiromu
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Selected Works
(2)Dedicated to Grandpa Dieu(Vietnam)
(4)My Leg(Myanmar)
(5)A Political Life(Myanmar)
Official Website

Theme People and Nature in Southeast Asia
Application submission period June 1 – October 21, 2014
Numbers of Submission 60
Screening Committee Members
Programming Director, "Asian Future" section at Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - SHIMIZU Hiromu
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University - HAYAMI Yoko
Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Selected Works
(1)Echoes from the hill(Thailand)
(2)The Silence of the Summer(Vietnam)
(3)My Grandpa's Route has been forever blocked(Thailand)
(4)More than a Tree(Myanmar)
(5)The Last generation(Indonesia)
Official Website