The seminar report published.
[Asia Hundreds] Online Seminar Series "Asia Center TERAKOYA" #8――"Magical Islamism": Feby Indirani Talks about Religion and Society in Contemporary Indonesia
The video recording is available.
Online Seminar Series "Asia Center TERAKOYA" #8 x TAMU/Talk with Muslims - 'Magical Islamism': Feby Indirani Talks about Religion and Society in Contemporary Indonesia(YouTube)
The Japanese version is available.
オンライン・アジアセンター寺子屋第8回×TAMU/Talk with Muslims 「マジカル・イスラーム ~作家が語るインドネシアの社会と宗教~」(YouTube)
Indonesia, a country traditionally favored a moderate brand of Islam, has recently witnessed the creeping conservatism across the country. Exclusionary movements against other religions and 'unorthodox' Islam have been also apparent. Feby Indirani's collection of short stories, Not Virgin Mary (2017, original title: Bukan Perawan Maria), depicts a sense of crisis in the changing Indonesian society and at the same time hope for those who still stand for long-cherished values of religious tolerance and diversity. Through her humorous, critical yet empathetic approach to Islamic world, which she calls as her own literary genre 'magical Islamism,' the seminar will explore issues related to religion, society and diversity in Indonesia.
The seminar will revolve around the two stories, "Porky Wanted to be a Muslim (original title: Baby Ingin Masuk Islam)" and "Not Virgin Mary" from the short story collection.
To better understand the discussion, please read them prior to the seminar.
* Any unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of the works is strictly prohibited.
* This seminar is organized under the project, TAMU/Talk with Muslims which aims to promote better understanding in Japan of Southeast Asian Islam and culture.
Event Information
Date & Time | Monday, September 27, 2021 / 7:00 p.m.—9:15 p.m. (JST) |
Language | English & Japanese |
Speakers |
Participation | Free |
URL | The Japan Foundation Live (YouTube) |
Organizers | Japan Foundation Asia Center Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research C: Interreligious Dialogue and Relationship between Religion and State in Contemporary Indonesia |
Contact | The Japan Foundation Asia Center, Arts, Culture and Exchange Section II Tel: 81-(0)3-5369-6045 |
Feby Indirani (Author)

Feby Indirani is an Indonesian author, freelance journalist and activist. Her works mostly focus on women and minority issues. She is mostly known for her 'magical Islamism' short story collections, Not Virgin Mary (Bukan Perawan Maria) (Pubrikultur, 2017, republished in 2021) and Hunting for Muhammad (Memburu Muhammad) (Bentang Pustaka, 2020). Not Virgin Mary has been published in Italy (2019) and were praised by international media and literary critics for being critical yet empathetic to the Islamic world. While Hunting for Muhammad just recently won national award as The Best Fiction 2021 from Goodreads Indonesia. She got her MA in Digital Media, Culture and Education from University College London.
NONAKA Yo (Associate Professor at Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University)

Nonaka Yo received her Master's degree on the Recent Movement for Jilbab among Secular High-educated Muslim Women in Indonesia in 2005 and got her PhD on the History and Thoughts of Student Dakwah Movement in Indonesia in 2011 both from the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University. Her research interests includes Muslim's lifestyle in Indonesia and Southeast Asia especially among women and young people. She has studied them from the various aspects including women's fashion, student Islamic movement, Islamic novels and films, the Halal issues, etc. Her major publications include Muslim Fashion in Indonesia – Why did the veils of Indonesian Muslimah become colorful? (in Japanese, Fukumura Shuppan, 2015) and others.
OKA Mari (Professor at Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University)
Oka Mari served as a special researcher at the Japanese Embassy in Morocco, a lecturer at Osaka Women's University, and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University before assuming her current position in 2009. She is one of leading Japanese scholars in the field of modern Arabic literature and her research areas cover the Palestine Problem and third world feminism.
Ghufron Yazid (Facilitator of "Olive", Young Muslim Organization in Japan/Artist)

Born in Tokyo. Designer and artist. Based in Tokyo Camii (mosque), Ghufron Yazid has been involved in a variety of projects that links Islamic teachings and culture by applying his design and artistic skills. He is also leading "Olive," a network to connect young Muslims in Japan.
Zuhaira Dzaatul Himmah (Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

Zuhaira Dzaatul Himmah is a MA student at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies majoring in Japan Studies. After spending a year in 2015 as an exchange student at Asia University, Japan, she graduated in 2017 from University of Indonesia in Japan Studies. In 2019, she came back to Japan as a MEXT scholarship awardee to continue her study at the current university.
URANO Risa (Environment and Information Studies, Keio University)

Urano Risa is currently studying at Keio University and a member of Yo Nonaka's Lab., a study group on society and culture in Southeast Asia. She studied Indonesian language and culture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang in Indonesia and her academic interests include philosophy, Islamic studies, and Southeast Asian studies.